The Tom na Clach Wind Farm Extension has been consented by the Scottish Government.

Infinergy, together with Cawdor Estates, having developed the operational Tom nan Clach Wind Farm, submitted an extension proposal for up to 7 turbines in 2022.

The operational Tom nan Clach wind farm is an exceptional wind site and both parties felt that an extension to the existing scheme would add to the green energy generation in the area without significant additional impacts.

Project Director, Andrew Fido said: “We are delighted to have consent for the extension and to be able to move forward with the construction of the project.  Tom nan Clach is an outstanding operational wind farm, with almost double the energy production compared to the UK average and the proposed Extension will make use of the existing infrastructure, which means less disruption during construction.”

The local liaison group, set up originally during the development of the operational Tom nan Clach wind farm will be reestablished in order to ensure the communities through which construction traffic will travel are fully informed of plans and progress as well as to discuss proposals for the associated community benefit fund.

If you have any questions, please contact us.