Welcome to Tom na Clach Wind Farm Extension

Scotland leads the way in harnessing renewable energy sources. 

In line with advice from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), in preparing the Climate Change Act 2019, the Scottish Government has set a target date of 2045 for reaching net-zero emissions and raised the ambition of the 2030 and 2040 targets to 70% and 90% emissions reductions respectively.  The Climate Change Act 2019 means that Scotland has the most stringent statutory targets in the world.

The CCC’s advice is that Scotland can now achieve such a target, provided that action is taken to develop further renewable energy assets.

Scotland’s onshore wind capacity will more than double by 2030 under plans to help cut harmful emissions and support the energy sector’s net-zero transformation.

The Scottish Government has recently published it finalised Onshore Wind Policy Statement and confirms its ambitions for 20 Gigawatts (GW) of onshore wind power to be installed by 2030.

Wind farms such as Tom na Clach Wind Farm Extension will help us achieve this aim.  The decision notice can be found here.

Ways to ensure the landscape, itself a vital part of our economy, can accommodate these targets include carefully chosen sites and sensitively designed developments.

Please contact us if you have any queries or would like some more information on the project

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Additional Information Submitted

Following on from the submission of the S36 application for Tom na Clach Extension in April this year, Additional Information has now also been submitted…